Business Experience Research
Employee Voice Interviews
EX Online Surveys
Employee 360º
Energize your team inside & out
Is your company’s passion and purpose being cultivated within your four walls? Research shows that there is a clear relationship between happy employees and business success. In consultation with your leadership team, Cypress Research identifies the right approaches to gauging your employee experience.
Through confidential one-on-one interviews, small group listening sessions, or a combination of approaches, we take conversations deeper to gain insights directly from employees about company culture, job satisfaction and engagement.
After we collect all of the information, we provide you wth a condensed, easy-to-read report that includes themes by geography and department, engagement and culture strengths, and improvement opportunities.
Our EX online Surveys enable you to monitor and measure movement of the dial toward creating a great employee experience in key areas like employee satisfaction, engagement and workplace culture. In our benchmarking program, Cypress works closely with senior leadership and HR to help your organization reach its goals by prioritizing the most impactful action items into a single dashboard view that can easily be linked to your HR action plans.
EX Benchmarking Program Report
Predictors of employee loyalty and attrition
eNPS: Employee Net Promoter Score
Company-level Employee Experience Scorecard
EX Scorecards by geography, management position, department
Periodic Employee Pulse Surveys
Short online Employee Pulse Surveys can be administered to your full employee base,
or to a subsample of employees. These informative surveys allow you to compare these periodic findings to full-scale EX Online Survey metrics. Confidential Pulse Surveys can also be conducted to gather insights regarding specific company initiatives from a subgroup of relevant employees.
Our confidential 360-degree, multi-rater online assessment provides your key staff with important professional development feedback. These insights are separate from your company’s own individual performance reviews, and include comparisons of an employee’s perception of their own skills and abilities to the perceptions in the same measurement areas from their supervisors, relevant peers, and/or direct reports.
Who knows your customer experience, brand, and market position better than your own employees? By obtaining the employee view of the customer experience, we’re able to zero in on key ways to improve the customer experience directly from associates on the front lines. This process helps ensure that your staff is working together as a team and is aligned with your brand's core values.
Case Study
Senior leadership of a large regional bank recognized the need to better understand its organizational culture and the ways that employee experiences might differ based on branch location and branch leadership. Quickly earning a community reputation for excellence in customer satisfaction, bank employees were drawn to the organization because of its great reputation and less formal, flexible management style. As the bank grew, adding more branches and expanding services, the need for greater organizational structure also increased. In order to continue providing an environment that fosters employee growth and satisfaction, executive leaders needed tools to help keep their pulse on evolving employee experiences and needs.
In collaboration with senior leadership, Cypress Research designed an EX benchmarking program to better understand and monitor the employee experience that begin with a series of confidential, Employee Voice small-group listening sessions across multiple branch locations. Insights from these discussions lead to the design of a full-staff, confidential EX Online Survey that outlines how employee engagement and workplace culture is experienced at the company level and is filtered by branch locations, departments and key job roles.
We have worked closely with Cypress for three years benchmarking Woodside’s member experience. As our club continues to grow, we also want to ensure that Woodside is creating the best workplace culture for its employees. With help from Cypress, the Woodside team has developed employee metrics around engagement and retention goals. Our EX online survey dashboard captures the Woodside employee experience and allows senior management to make changes that impact the happiness and retention of our valued associates.
Katie Swetala, Managing Director, Woodside Health & Tennis Club
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